Tomboy Lesbian Fashion Tips to Make Your Body Less Curvy

The reality for most tomboy lesbians is that we want our clothes to make our bodies look less curvy. We like the style of men’s clothing, and the styles typically work better on a straighter and less curvy body. 

This issue is we have curves! AFAB people naturally have more body fat than men, put on muscle in different areas, and can have boobs. So how do you style men’s clothing when the clothing is not meant for our bodies? 

This is a huge part of the reason we created MNSTRM. We want to make clothing that is meant for women, but will make us look less curvy. We are currently working on making pants and other clothing items that will revolutionize how tomboys shop (subscriber to our newsletter for upcoming drops). But in the meantime, shopping in the men’s section is our reality. 

How many times have you tried on pants from the men’s section, but couldn’t fit it over your butt and thighs? Or it fit, but the waistband was way too big and the legs way too long? It is not an easy task to find men’s clothing that will fit your body in a flattering way, but here are our best tips for doing so. 

Tip #1

Figure out your closest fit in men’s pants. This was a problem for me for so long, because the sizing of men’s pants is totally different than women’s pants. 

tomboy lesbian fashion

Men’s pants are supposed to sit lower on your body than women’s pants and will end up being on a wider part of your hips. So your size in men’s pants are probably 4-6 sizes bigger than you are in women (so if you are usually a 29 in women’s jeans, you might be around a 31-34 in men’s pants).  

The best way to figure out your size is to try on a bunch of men’s pants and see what size fits your body best. If you feel uncomfortable trying on men’s pants in the store, find an online shop that has free returns and order a few pairs to try at home. I have found brands like H&M and Zara to be ok for this and a lot of people who like tomboy lesbian fashion shop there. 

Tip #2 

Find brands that make unisex t-shirts, and ideally are geared towards tomboy lesbian fashion styles. From my experience, women’s t-shirts tend to have shorter sleeves and a more narrow fit that makes your body look curvier. Men’s t-shirts can tend to be super long and have too much material in the arms and shoulder area and not enough in the chest area. 

If you find a brand that makes unisex tee shirts, they tend to be somewhere in the middle which is perfect for the tomboy lesbian fashion style you are going for. Check out the MNSTRM collections for a wide range of unisex tee shirts that are perfect for any tomboy’s wardrobe. 

Tip #3

COLORS - the colors and prints of your clothing can help you look bigger or smaller. Wearing dark pants with stripes down the sides will help you create a straighter look in the legs.

tomboy lesbian fashion

A shirt with a logo across the chest or a pattern can help you make your chest look smaller. Play around with prints and colors to see what makes you feel the best in your body and in your tomboy style outfit. 

Tip #4

Layering clothing is another option when it comes down to making your body look less curvy. A jacket the hits below your hips as opposed to at your hips will definitely help create the straighter look that you might be going for. 

tomboy lesbian fashion

I wear a bomber or jean jacket over a tee shirt with jeans or joggers. A tee shirt with a flannel can have the same effect. Try out different layering options and see what works for you. 


Style is all about feeling confident and comfortable in your body and wardrobe. Whether you have short hair or long hair, are petite or plus-sized, you should feel awesome every day in your clothing. 

Remember, you don’t NEED to look less curvy or try to hide any parts of your body, but many of us like to! You are beautiful, handsome, and unique just the way you are. It’s all about looking the way that makes you feel most like yourself, whatever that means for you.

Read our top lesbian fashion trends for 2021 and 5 tomboy outfits we love for more style tips, and follow @wearmnstrm on all platforms for style interviews, inspo, new product drops and more.


  • Kris

    OK I am a true tomboy and I love these it is accurate and helpful I will so use these

  • Movine

    Love you guys lifesavers

  • kelsey


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